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Concerning worksheets > reported ws
reported ws
reported ws
Well, It was brought to my attention by a site member (thank you sazzag) that one of my ws. was reported for a mistake. (I accidently wrote the 3rd person of the verb to have got wrongly. ) I was a little bit surprised by that, I didn �t know we could be reported by that reason, especially when it was a mistake easily edited. I didn �t do it on purpose, of course, and I just realized the mistake after I uploaded it. Although, the mistake could be edited by anyone who downloaded the ws. , I �m letting people know that I �ve uploaded the corrected version of the worksheet. I thank everyone who stood by me on this matter.
5 May 2009
Hi Serenna! I saw your WS in the reported section, but it clearly stated that it had been reported BY MISTAKE. Someone had meant to post a COMMENT to you and entered it in the wrong box. (The "Report-A-Worksheet"box is just below the "comment" box) Your lovely ws was never in jeopardy whatsoever- it was just a mistake and all the moderators were absolutely aware of this. |
5 May 2009