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Computer Science
Computer Science
Hello dear teachers,
I have to teach vocabulary about Computer Science to 17 years old students, Their level is beginner to intermediate. I have asked you for help and you have advised me about some books. I have download some worksheets too. Now I am asking for your help again because I am lost. It is the first time that I am going to teach specific vocabulary. I don�t know which material to start with. It has to be a simple but enjoyable lesson. What topics do you think teenagers are interested in? What can you suggest me to teach in the first lesson? (I already know the students)
I would appreciate your reply. |
7 May 2009
I think you should start from general to specific; why don �t you start asking them about why they chose to study Computer Science? Then, you can start with "transparent" vocabulary - computer science has lots of vocabulary that students already know, for instance computer parts. Then, you can work with, for example, different software the students are using in other subjects. I �ll check my pc during the weekend, I think I have some simple activities you may like to use. Cheers!
7 May 2009
Hi Gicela,
I always like to start a new topic with some formative assessment to find out what the students already know. A couple of suggestions: IDEA ONE 1) Split into teams of 3 - 5 students (depending on class size) 2) Give each team a large piece of butcher paper and some felts or pens. 3) Tell the students to split their sheet into 4 sections and write their names on the back. 4) Give them a category that you know they will have language for. (i.e. The internet) Tell them they have 3 minutes to record as many words as possible about the internet (focussing on computer science terms. 5) After 3 mintues call out stop - make them drop their pens on the floor. 6) Get each group to call a word out from their list. 7) other groups put their hand up if they have that word. 8) if no other group has the word they get 2 points. If another group has the word - every group with that word gets a point (including the group who reported it). 9) continue until no words are left. 10) repeat the process three more times with three different categories. 11) Give a chocolate to each person in the winning group. 12) take in their work - you now have a lexicon to start your topic and a formative assessment sheet that can be compared to their vocabulary at the end of the unit.
IDEA TWO 1) Make a list of some target vocabulary that you assume the students know and some vocabulary you expect them to learn during the course.
2) On one card put a vocabulary word - on the other card put the definition (or a picture if possible - pictures are best as you are trying to test their vocabulary not their reading comprehension).
3) Repeat this for each vocabulary word (have up to 20 for 17 year olds - use upto 10 for 10 year olds)
4) MAke a set of these cards for each group in your class.
5) Split the kids into groups of 3 - 5 students.
6) Give them the cards and a set time of 5 minutes to match up as many as possible.
7) At the end of 5 minutes take a photo of each groups organisation and put their names on it. This is your formative assessment - you now know what you need to teach - and have comparative data for the end of the course.
Hope this is helpful Vickiii
7 May 2009
Thank you very much Trelly and Vickiii. You helped me a lot. I will put into practice your nice ideas. |
7 May 2009