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Message board > Thank you for saving me so much time!
Thank you for saving me so much time!
Thank you for saving me so much time!
I just want to say thank you to all those wonderful teachers who upload such useful worksheets! Today I suddenly realized I needed to do a review of basic stuff like Articles, Plural, Present simple....didn �t have time to look through my own material, so I did a search here and downloaded several handy worksheets . Although I love (LOVE!!) all the gorgeous colourful wss some talented members here make, this time I just needed plain black and white exercises with no pictures. I found that some of the best ones had only been downloaded a few times and yet they were excellent. I guess no one paid attention to them due to the huge volume of available worksheets, and due to the fact that they were less attractive at first glance. So this is just to say that they were very appreciated!
7 May 2009