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Did you see this?
Dear friends I was looking at the reported contributions and I saw a comment of Victor:
Black and white versions should be
uploaded the same day, if possible in the same document, so that users
can see both versions and choose the one they need. Sorry, but this
contribution must be removed. (Victor)
I think this clears lots of doubts!
8 May 2009
manonski (f)
I think it should be added on the sidebar on the reported worksheets page. This thread will go away but if it �s added in the explanation sidebar, then moderators will have that as a guideline.
8 May 2009
alien boy
Just one thought...
Is the upload limit 3 items per day?
If so, then there is the distinct possibility that a B&W (not greyscale) version may not be uploaded until the following day...
I would suggest that uploaders should include a comment like "The b&w version will be uploaded tomorrow" in their colour upload & they should be given a day �s grace to get it uploaded.
Regards, AB
8 May 2009
I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU, LADYBIRD!!!!! I also don �t mind downloading the B&W version separately and i don �t see the problem in this....but as you very clearly stated, we have to respect Victor �s wishes... |
8 May 2009
alien boy
I agree, too, Silke. But I feel that, with the download limit, 1 day grace for that 3rd upload is a reasonable thing & adheres tothe spirit of Victor �s current rules.
Any member who will report such a worksheet should also provide the respective upload dates in the reporting comment. While I �m not a voter, I believe that sort of detail should be the responsibility of the reporter not the �moderators �.
8 May 2009