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About today īs reported worksheets...
manonski (f)
About today īs reported worksheets...
Just a thought here but a lot of reported worksheets seem to come from the same member and since they were not uploaded today but over different dates, I īm wondering if someone is on some type of vendetta.
I do sign my name when I report and yes I have been bullied by people through private messaging because of that. I stand by my comments and will keep putting my name.
I understand that some people are not happy because they are losing points but I wish they would not retaliate because of that.
10 May 2009
Dear manonski (f),
I don īt believe in such "vendettas" when reporting. I have seen that a person reports one worksheet, maybe found while searching for something special, and as the other members go to the account and check all the others, report many others. I perfectly well remember having recognized and reported a ws taken from a site and leaving the reported page for a while. When I went back to that page I found that that member īs whole account had been reported as stolen!!!! Other teachers have revised all his/her worksheets.
Moderators are doing a great job, very serious. And, please don īt take me wrong, I don īt think that it is a good idea to talk about Vendetta or something like this on the forum that is too calm and nice now.
10 May 2009
manonski (f)
Ok, maybe I did not use the right word with vendetta. Another member got his/her worksheets reported last week with a message that said "A tit for a tat". If that īs not a vendetta, I don īt know what this is then. Revenge? Retaliation? Pick the word you want, the results are the same. I received 2 emails this week on the same day from a person who was not happy I had reported his/her worksheet. I had a situation last week that I will not get into now.
When I report a worksheet, I don īt go into this person īs account and look over all the printables they īve uploaded.
I know firsthand that moderators are doing a very serious job. I īm one of them and some reports are sometimes questionnable. |
10 May 2009
The reaction of certain people is not new to us. Don īt forget the agressive, hard, impolite, etc,etc, ways of addressing to those who reported stolen contributions on the forum.
I can īt find Victor īs answer to a post saying that we should not wait that those who upload clipart or stolen contributions to read and understand the rules.
Remember the endeless struggle of one of our main contributors against people uploading clipart or colouring pages instead of sharing them or their links on the forum. She was insulted on the forum!!!! and not to mention the personal messages that we received. The most important think is that she was right: there were many stolen , colouring pages, just clipart, copy and paste worksheets!!!
A worksheet is reported but there are many people who can vote and decide whether it should or not be removed so as to make this system fair. |
10 May 2009
Anna P
I also noticed that this member has many reported wss and most are perfectly OK since they are sets of flashcards. However, I do not believe in revenge or retaliation because this member is particularly polite. She always leaves nice comments in all wss she downloads and, to my knowledge, has never participated in any kind of arguments in the Forum.
I wish that it could be mandatory to write our names next to wss we report. |
10 May 2009
alien boy
It should be mandatory for all reporting & all voting or neither reporting nor voting...
10 May 2009
I for one do not check the new uploads beacuse I don īt have time. If I need something I go through the archives.
Firstly, you be surprised how many wss are in the wrong place and therefore were probably overlooked when they first came out but are not downloaded because you wouldn īt be able to find them. For example - great reading mixed in with Grammar.
As far as reporting - I don īt have the magic 1000, so I can only send a report - I do it usually if I see something that isn īt ESL (meaning in English), I find a really nice reading without questions and o points and wrote the person and suggested he fix it.
When I report a ws, doesn īt my name show up? Do I have to write my name when I report under the ws - isn īt it like sending a comment?
I īm off to work soon. Happy Sunday to all. |
10 May 2009
Thats right eng. Your name only shows up if you write it in the text of your message. I am sure Victor can see who is reporting - as there will probably be a record on the system somewhere - but on the moderators page it just comes up with what you write in the comments box - this is also what the person receives if their worksheet is removed - a transcript of what people have written - not who wrote it (Unless they type their name).
10 May 2009
Im sorry but I just dont get all this fuss over points and stuff.
I did enter this site cause everytime I was looking for something cool to do with my stds it just kept popping out and I said to myself "Lets join!"
When I upload any of my WS I doit with the hope of helping others and, of course, getting some points to be able to download some interesting material.
The thing is that I dont get crazy over how many points I get or dont as long as my contributions are useful and I can download something when I need it.
I do think it is incorrect to upload mterial taken from other authors, being bookwriters or websites (it īs called plagiarism) and I dont think a clipart collection is a WS. (I dont think that by putting the "Color these drawings" a clipart becomes a WS either)
So, my point is that members who upload "incorrect" material should be informed and points should be taken and I cannot see the reason why those members get angry or vindictive over something that has been stated from day one.
Whatever the reasons for deleting a WS if they dont respect the rules shouldnt be questioned.
Dunno if I was clear, but I keep reading these topics with discussions over points and they are so repetitive that they make me angry
We, teachers should know better |
10 May 2009