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Teaching material > HELP!!! S.O.S
Hello everybody!!!! I have a big dilemma: I �m teaching adults (they are beginners; this is the first exposition to the English language). They are learning personal information + verb to be + some basic vocabulary. My question is the following: I need to find an easy reading passage in order to help them gain more vocabulary. Do you know any reading passage with this kind of info? (the one stated above)
I will be pleased if you give me some pieces of advice!!!
A big hug from Argentina... |
10 May 2009
why dont you have a look at �readings � part?? Or you can search the site for what you are looking for. Im sure you will be able to find just the thing you need. |
10 May 2009
Kate (kkcat)
Do you have any book you use when teaching them? For example, NEW HEADWAY Beginner is a good one, it offers some simple texts along with acquiring all skills. Very useful. And of course, try searching something here, I �m sure there are some good READING WSs on this site.
10 May 2009
There are many books that include such reading passages. I used to teach in American headway book 1 and it has such activities. If you want to download it. here is the link:
and here is the link to the workbook
I wish that I helped you with this.
10 May 2009
Ola, Thnx. I got them too. :)
10 May 2009