GET REAL!!!! HE calls me a low quality person and I am the one who gets slammed? I have NEVER insulted someone personally in these forums and yet I often get this.
Yes Spagman63 I�m completely sure that you are a low quality person. I don�t have any doubt about that. The way how you speak proves that and I�m not talking just about how you addressed me yesterday no no my dear. This is not the first time. I saw how rudely you talked to some members on the forum and how you exchanged insults. You know what? You are a HORRIBLE extremist guy!
Abdel, you back up faster than a crab. You say that your words were never intended to hurt anyone. Then why choose them? Just because you speak my language doesn �t mean you fully understand it. It has taboos, mores and RULES.
Here you are showing some lack of good judgement. You know that I�m not a native English speaker and that speaking your language doesn�t mean to fully understand it, which I completely agree with; still, you didn�t excuse me for that but you opted for a childish quarrel and criticism. So where is openness and tolerance, and the rest of the fake mottos that you claim you call for? If you know the reason behind an unintentional action or speech, but you choose to act like a child or a retarded person while you should forgive and be patient, then you certainly have a big problem inside you!!
I am at the point that every time I see the Morroccan flag I shudder because I know an insult is probably coming. What a sad reputation you and others have given your country.
LOL! Another stupid statement here. You know what? If you close your eyes and you pick up any sound minded guy from any part of the world and show him what you said he would say exactly what I�ve just mentioned. Another stupid statement!!! How come that you are putting all the Moroccans in one basket? In any part of the world, there are good and bad people with a difference in percentage. So how come that you are generalizing something that is impossible for anybody to generalize? Isn�t that a lack of sound judgement? But maybe this confirms what I said before that you have the habit of quarrelling with the others!!!! I�ve never seen you quarrelling and disagreeing with a Moroccan here. Maybe cuz I�m new on the website but I said before I certainly saw you speaking rudely with other members from other countries. Shame on you. You are an old man, but you still have a nasty child inside you!!! When are you going to grow up??
You �re welcome. HAHA! They are from the website. How can they be nonsense?
LOL! You see, the same problem! All this and you still don�t admit that you are just missing about here.
I said it before Innovice Teacher did and informed you about the poorness of the examples that you posted (even if they are taken from the website) and when I did I didn�t have any intention to hurt your feeling, rather I just wanted to say that you could have posted relevant examples with some explanation and not just copying and pasting 2 poor examples which don�t explain anything about Relative Pronouns, especially to a new teacher or student. It is how you present your product which count! That�s if you have a good product first. And certainly I saw the examples long time ago because I read that POOR webpage which I don�t advise people to waste their time on. There are plenty of professional, good and useful teaching websites and we should just look for them. Anyway, Innovice Teacher told you what I wanted to say in a sincere way, but it�s up to you to say HAHA or to swallow it. You know, most of the times stubbornness is just a useless way to take.
Anyway, I just wanted to convey a message to you by writing you all this even if I really need this time to correct a big number of Ss� quizzes. I hope that you change your attitude when you are speaking with the others. There are people who are much better than you and others much worse and you can never know with whom you are speaking, especially at the beginning. So if you show me some improvement, then you are welcome; otherwise, the best thing to do is to stay away my friend!
Have a good night