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Funniest Moments in Your Classroom? Part 2
I can �t open the topic :( |
11 May 2009
Anna P
When I was in Kindergarten the principal used to stand by the gate greeting all students with a "Good Afternoon." I only spoke Portuguese and I thought that the strange words pronounced by that very tall man wearing a black suit were kind of a bad spell. I was very much afraid of him and his "bad spell". |
12 May 2009
Carla Horne
The other day I was helping a student correct his essay. I have taught him in two other classes, and he finally asked if he could ask me a personal question.
I said, " Yes, Cesar, what do you want to know?"
He shyly asked, "Ms. Horne, how many years have you had that red ink pen?"
Laughing I said, "Cesar, I have a whole box of them at home!"
The whole class started laughing.
12 May 2009
I had to laugh the other day in my kindergarten class. One of my mini kids kept saying �Oh scheisse � (meaning poo in German- to be polite (he he)) I told him very nicely that that was not a nice word and that we only speak English in this room... The next minute the same little kid did something wrong on his project and said very loudly �Oh shit �----- Well he was speaking English. It was very hard to keep a straight face.
Yeti xx |
12 May 2009
I don �t know if this is funny or sad.....Yesterday I did the song "big yellow taxi" by Joni Mitchell in my 6th grade class. For those who do not know the song: It is a very stong environmental awareness song with the chorus saying: "Don �t it always seem to go that you don �t know what you �ve got, ´til it´s gone. They paved paradise and put up a parking lot"
My last question on the worksheet was: "Do you think the message of this song is still important today?" Several anwered: "Yes, because we still have parking problems today...."
marion |
12 May 2009
Mine is most definitely the time that I was teaching in China and I was playing "The way you make me feel" by Michael Jackson. The video had lyrics and the kids were trying to sing along. But for some reason the video froze on my screen. And it froze at the exact time when Michael is on his toes and grabbing his crotch and making a God awful face. I could not get it to play or stop, and I finally had to shut down the computer. The kids were all laughing hysterically and it took me some time to calm them down. Very funny... |
12 May 2009
I was teaching Maslow �s hiearchy of needs to a room full of young German soldiers (male and female) and I usually started out the lesson with an attention getting question: "Would you drink out of a puddle?" I was relatively new to teaching in German and I had a little problem pronouncing the vowels with the umlaut. The German word for puddle is pfutze , there is another similar word in German that is a VERY vulgar term for the female genitalia. So, in front of about 25 young soldiers, I asked a young male soldier if he would drink out of a ^%#&. ....... The look on his face and the reaction of the class was priceless, at first I didn �t realize what I had done-I figured it out pretty quick. It was embarassing, but very funny. Now almost ten years later, I still hear about it once in a while when I meet-up with old colleagues. |
12 May 2009