I would like start by thanking Victor for the wonderful and inspiring job he does for us teachers and our students. Without him this incredible site wouldn�t even exist.
Unfortunately, a small number of members put a dark cloud over this site. They copy and steal other people�s material and upload it pretending that they have done it themselves. We can just speculate about their motives.
I just downloaded a worksheet and got very upset when I found out afterwards that it was stolen. It might be helpful if people�s comments are placed on top of the worksheet to be downloaded. I really feel bad about my mistake.
The perpetrator�s name is:
jemenfous jose
I just found another thief: skevi. Pls do not download this ws. He just pasted it onto word. http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=119223#thetop
Victor could it be possible to have a system in which stolen material is deleted immediately and automatically from the site when people report it?
To the rest of the great contributors:
thank you.