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Need help with the research!
Kalina Perm
Need help with the research!
Hello to everyone! I �m so glad I joined this site and have a wonderful opportunity to share my worksheets and enjoy yours - that �s really invaluable! And it �s also awesome we have a chance to chat, give advice and help each other!
So I hope you �ll help me with my request.
I �m doing research for my thesis these days, for which I need to carry out an associative experiment among American and British people (only). The task is just to put down all the possible associations that pop to your mind when you hear the concept "time". It can be anything: starting from a single word and finishing with your favourite song quote. There �s no set limit for the amount of your associations.
For example. let �s take the concept "money". I have the following assosiations:
time is money, etc
Please, if you are eager to share your ideas, e-mail them to [email protected] or send a message to me here. I will appreciate it!
Thanks in advance!
Have a good day ))))
P.S. It �s not a good idea to put down your assosiations right on the forum, because you can see your colleague �s variants - that may involuntary influence.
13 May 2009
Hmm... does that mean us Canadians can �t play??? Technically we are IN North America, so we �d be American as British are also European!!
13 May 2009
Kalina Perm
I know :) Then Russia is also partly European )))) But actually I �ll be very grateful for your assosiations. Go ahead! |
13 May 2009