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Message board > I ´m BACKKKKKK
Olindalima ( F )
To Jecika, Moravc,Nikita 2008, Dennismychina, Meuge,Manonski, Afta,Silvia Lefevre, and last, but not least,Frenchfrog. To Victor . Victor is a God He managed to lead me through this huge, tragic confusion. I just had a quick glimpse to the last posts so the first thing I have to say is: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Eugénia, I have just seen it. All the best to you ( a little late, but from my heart ) Now, another , " first", I have to say :a BBBBBBIIIIGGGG THANK YOU to so many of you. You were incredible. I have been out since yesterday, in the middle of something I was asking for,( and I really needed). Even out of the forum, out of the PM, (or almost , Silvia Lefevre was the only one I could reach ), you managed to send me lots and lots of the things you knew I wanted, you supposed could be helpful, I received so many emails from so many people, sending me lots of stuff which could be related to what I wanted that, in fact, I am speechless. I have no words to thank you all your efforts, the time you spent trying to contact me and sending me the things I needed and even more. You are a fantastic community, I am proud. Let me tell you, I could read your PMs, but I couldn ´t answer you, forgive me, I didn ´t have how to answer you, you, who were working to help me, I could see your messages, but there was no way to answer them. Many, many thanks, I really feel this was a special moment, I didn ´t answer you, you had better stop bothering with me, but you didn ´t. It touched me. Anything I can help, please, ask me. You all helped and ansered in a very special, fantastic way. THANKS, may you all have in return, as much as you, so freely, offer. olinda lima
15 May 2009
As Manonski said, WELCOME BACK. Have a great weekend. Cassy
15 May 2009
welcome back!!! We are glad to have you here again!
Zoila |
15 May 2009
All I can say is that we ´ve missed you |
15 May 2009