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Message board > Your impressions of the song contest "Eurovision"?
Your impressions of the song contest "Eurovision"?
Congratulations to Norway!!! However I was amazed by the Estonian song.
Have a nice day:)
17 May 2009
Roy Piepers
What a fantastic song from Norway, they actually produced a song that could hit the charts. congratulations.
I have no idea why the UK became 5th though as I thought the song was dreadfully boring. |
17 May 2009
Kate (kkcat)
I liked the show, it was spectacular. As for Prihodko �s song and performance...great, gripping song and disastrous performance, what I mean is the screens behind her distracted everybody from her and the song itself....I �m glad Norway won, the singer is positive and the song is cheerful!
17 May 2009
sickgeo (F)
The show was incredible, the "fairytale" was unique and our SAKIS was a god!!! Congratulations to Norway, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Esthonia, Spain and Iceland...fantastic songs
17 May 2009