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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Bloggin, chatting...its effect on language .....
Bloggin, chatting...its effect on language .....
Bloggin, chatting...its effect on language .....
Bloggin, chatting...its effect on language .....
QueenJade wrote...
Hello there!.... I �d like to continue this �discussion � on what I posted today. Here is the link:
The only think I �ve notices really answered my quesition! LOL I
want to know...what you, teachers, think about this new generation
which is growing with this incredible way of communicating..a
generation which has all the technology to communicate better and
faster.... Although, so much communication ...incommunicate us (btw.,..
does the word �incomunicate exist..sorry I just can �t find the
opposite to communication). Finally, what are the effects of blogging and chatting on language learning.... and well our mother tonge too!
It is a very interesting I repost it again....Come on
guys..participate and give your suggestions, ideas, comment here and
help us to produce a project about it..let�s participate giving
examples about how and why its effects cause good or bad things in the
communication ?
17 May 2009
Chatting has made us lazy.We use shorthand for most things like: CUl8r/See you later. If you want to say what you think you say:imho/in my humble opinion. And if something isn �t known at the time we use: idk/I don �t know. The Romans often wrote without using vowels so maybe it isn �t such a bad practice after all. It is faster but can also lead to confusion. "LOL" can be Lots of Love/Laughing Out Loud/ Lots of Luck. It all depends upon the writer and the receiver needs to know the meaning behind the letters.
17 May 2009
Chatting and blogging have given origin to a new language. Very young people -and not so young- get so used to it that they get to lose their own little by little. I can see young people mastering that fast communication language but ignoring simple words in their mother tongue. Not to speak of their second language to which they cannot devote so much time they are busy chatting, blogging, photologging, facebooking ...etc
Worrying, indeed.
I am trying to open up that world to the English learning and correct use of language...Daydreaming?
17 May 2009
Carla Horne
It �s frightening to me because students are putting in writing statements that they will regret later. They don �t understand that it is never really deleted and that it could be presented in court! We had some students, not ELLs, get suspended for cursing the principal on their My Space page. It seems that another student told the administrators about it and gave them the passwords. It was a very tense two weeks.
17 May 2009
The language is turning into a faster and simpler way of communication. Come on, guys. We use language just for communication and we are watching big changes. In the future I think we �ll use the kind of abbreviations they use today in chatting. I have nothing against it, maybe another language was born and there �s no way to stop it from growing. It looks strange for people who are older than 20 but every generation creates something different. In 60 �s they changed clothes and hair style; in 80 �s, different kinds of music that sound strange to adults. Now they are changing the language. Nothing very original, I think.
17 May 2009
Hey Suzylima! Thank you for re-posting my message!
Thank you for your replies anyway people!
18 May 2009