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Teaching material > Houghton Miffilin Reading/ Math/ Science
Houghton Miffilin Reading/ Math/ Science
Houghton Miffilin Reading/ Math/ Science
Hello everyone, My school uses Houghton Miffilin Reading/ Math/ Science books and I currently building a curriculum based on these and have a very tight deadline. I was wondering if anyone else uses these books (I hope so) or knows if there is any website with lesson plans related to these books. I know this is not the place to offer but, I have been allocated a budget for a collection of lesson plans based on these books so if i need to pay one of you fine teachers to help its ok. Sorry if I am offending anyone on this fine forum, I am deperate and have work up to my eye balls.
The kids are aged 7-10 and have a very good command of english. They take classes for three hours every week. I need lesson plans that are fun as well as educational. They also need to be well written so teachers can follow them easily.
22 May 2009
Carla Horne
Do the lessons have to have the company �s name on them? We used that grammar book for 9th grade a few years ago, so the material could be adapted for your age group. I still have some books that I could adapt or san pages from. Let me know.
22 May 2009