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Concerning worksheets > Deleting Worksheets
Deleting Worksheets
Deleting Worksheets
I �ve just deleted 4 separate WSs that I had posted as I have just managed to compress the images and put all 4 pages into the one file (better for anyone downloading, to only have to use up 1 point!!)
But, having done this I now notice that the points that I had accumulated for the 4 separate WSs have been deleted from my account.
Can anyone tell me why this is? After all, if we get a point for each time someone downloads our WS, what difference does it make if the owner deletes the WS afterwards? and secondly, I have amalgamated the 4 files thus using less space and making the WSs more accessible, but have been penalised for doing so...
Seems unfair to me.. can anyone help me with an explanation??
Many thanks
22 May 2009
Hello Shirley,
Basically the reason is this:
It stops the cheaters from accumulating points unfairly.
If the people that uploaded stolen stuff, erased it after getting enough points so that they can download things, this whole problem of copying and stealing would even be more of a nightmare than it already is...
22 May 2009
yeip zora is right, but there is a message warning when you are about to delete your work, let �s hope you get much more points with the compilation :)
22 May 2009
Nabila Manzur
hi Shirley! I�m sorry to hear that you �ve lost your points.
as Zora and Missundaztood have said if you delete a ws you lose the points as well.
here you you can see the warning that appears before deleting a ws.
This printable will give you 70 points tomorrow. If you delete it, you will not get them.
Are you sure you want to delete this printable?
23 May 2009
You �re all right, I did see the warning sign.. but thought (wrongly) that this was new points being added the next day, not point that were already accumulated on my account....
I understand the reasoning about the stolen worksheets.. do people actually do that???
Thanks for answering so quick... I went to bed and went I woke up I had three replies!! Amazing - ha
Great website and great job by the way... S x
23 May 2009