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Concerning worksheets > I need to know...
I need to know...
I need to know...
Hi everyone!!!! I need to know if it is ok to upload a worksheet with an explanation or definition taken from a dictionary. I have uploaded a WS with a defitionition taken from the Longman Dictionary and I don �t know if this is correct or it �s against the rules. If it is so, then I �ll reform my worksheet.
Note: the examples and explanations are my own creation.
Thanks in advance!!!! Kisses!!! |
27 May 2009
Hi Anto
There is no rule on the website which is against copying a definition from a dictionary be it Longman or any other dict.
So you don �t need to make any alterations to your ws.
Thanx |
27 May 2009
Oh, thanks a lot for your answer Abdelhadi!!!! Good night and kisses!!! |
27 May 2009