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Ask for help > Help to be able to upload worksheets
Help to be able to upload worksheets
Help to be able to upload worksheets
Hi everyone! Once again I need your help. Whenever I try to upload some documents I get this message "Upload files that end in types doc.doc.doc." and I don �t know what all this is about. I have tried changing the names of the documents but it doesn �t work. I don �t know what �s wrong with my files. Can anybody help me, please.
Yolanda |
30 May 2009
Hi Yolanda,
I think you are using Microsoft Word 2007. So when you save the file, it comes with .docx extension.
If I �m right, then try to save it in an older format.
Good luck :)
30 May 2009
If u r using Word 2007 you have to clik in Guardar como/ Documento de word 97-2003, to save the document. On this way it �s compatible with other versions. That �s all. If u wanna insert an image and the image size is so big, u can zip the image, making double click on it and choose. Comprimir imagen.
Good luck:)
30 May 2009
You need to create your worksheet in Microsoft Word for which you must have the application software "Microsoft Office". When you save your work in MS Word, it automatically takes a three letter extension .doc after the file name given by you. So all documents which end in the extension .doc which is given by the MS Word by default, can be uploaded.
30 May 2009
Thank you very much for your help, I finally got it. Tomorrow there will three new documents thanks to your help.
Hugs from hot Spain
Yolanda |
30 May 2009