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Ask for help > end the story
end the story
end the story
Dear friends I need easy stories, written or in pictures, I would like my six year olds to give different endings to the stories themselves. Hope you can help me. I searched the site but no luck. Thanks
31 May 2009
I would post the story myself, but I have exceeded my daily limit. I enjoyed doing the English traditional story called The Tortoises � Picnic. You can google it, I found it very quickly. It �s not long, you can shorten it, I did it with my kids one year as a short theatre play (kids 6-8 years old) - we added roles for the kids - they played the animals, waterfall fairy and a talking tree - all the creatures the tortoises met on their way to the picnic place. It �s really funny and they all like to play the baby tortoise, but also all the other characters, because I made them sound funny when I first told them the story.It �s funny when you emphasize the time it takes for them to get there, and you can revise all kinds of vocabulary with it - food, nature, time, feelings, family, actions, etc(you can also use the mentioned flashcards, you just need some tortoise cards too). I hope you enjoy it and let me know how it went. (I adapted it for my older students and they all got a kick out of it - the ending ahs a twist and they had to guess it - it was really fun. All my colleagues I lent it to also enjoyed it.)
If you try, let me know how it went. |
31 May 2009
You �re bound to find something useful here.
1 Jun 2009