Hi all,
I �m currently teaching at a secondary school in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. We �ve been asked to assess our students � key/ basic competences but we �haven �t been told how to do it. The result is that the schools are doing different things and I feel we �re really wasting time and effort.
Originally, all the teachers were supposed to assess all the competences but as this needed a lot of discussion and a final agreement for each student, each department is assessing certain competences. For example, the English, French and Spanish departments assess only linguistic competence, the Art department, the artistic and cultural competence and so on. I find this is not what we were supposed to do, but have no idea what you are doing in other places.
Not great fun for the weekend, I know, but if you have any ideas or school plans, please enlighten me!!! You can PM me to save the rest of user the suffering.
Thanks in advance,