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For those teaching about the environment.
Olindalima ( F )
Excuse me Barbara this is serious, you asked for mine to put on the line for the picture, but I can not see them. Weren �t they good enough for your picture
6 Jun 2009
manonski (f)
Maybe it �s not there because you have none... |
6 Jun 2009
hahah this is a great picture!.. never seen it before!! So does this mean that if they get smaller and smaller, year by year, at present, then (2009 ) people just don �t wear them anymore? I must say I �ve just realized I �m a fashion victim then! but 2006 are my type so far! ;o)
6 Jun 2009
alien boy
For Ivona, re �dark horse �:
the phrase comes from horse
racing, where a horse�s lineage and track record of wins and losses
determines the odds placed by bettors on the current race. If for some
reason the history of a certain horse is not known, the bettors are �in
the dark� as to its strengths and weaknesses, and the horse is known as �a dark horse.�
There �s another theory which is to do with darkening the colour of a horse so it could be used as a�ring in�. This is a �horse of a different colour� (or some would say �red herring�, but that�s not really equine enough) as the use of �in the dark� as a metaphor for ignorance has a longer history in Europe than formalised horse racing.
To those who aren�t �in the know� (or should that be a reference to �horse-sense�?), Barbara appears to be a very �dark horse� indeed!
6 Jun 2009
WAW! My whole family had fun with the picture. Great! thanks for sharing Sulany
6 Jun 2009
Hey I �m not sure I like being called a horse.
A gehko is ok but a horse????
And Olindalima - did you forget that yours were -2009 - transparent - so they didn �t show up in the picture. |
6 Jun 2009
lol good one eng789! by 2050 they will be ... ???
6 Jun 2009
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