My condolences. Let īs happen this happened for a reason and people, police and government should start acting differently.
a big hug,
6 Jun 2009
Dear Titila - we all feel your sorrow and sadness. Please be careful. I am also sending you a big hug. |
6 Jun 2009
Dear titila,
I īm so shocked...! I am awfully sorry for what happened! My deepest sympathy to you and your colleague īs family! What world are we living in???? I īm so disappointed and I īm so sorry! Take care!!! I don īt know what else to say... I īm so so sorry!
Gabitza |
6 Jun 2009
Carla Horne
Ants is right. You are not alone! Please be careful and anytime you want to talk, just pm me. It really does help to let it out.
Many hugs to you!!!!!
6 Jun 2009
I am so sad and sorry to hear about it,dear Titila!
This is terrible and heartbreaking !
My sympathy to your collegue īs family and you!
Please be careful!!!!!!
Many hugs....
6 Jun 2009
I just read about the tragedy in Mexico with the loss of so many children and now this... My deepest condolences and sympathy for the families and beloved ones of these people...This is really a difficult question...What world are we living in? What world are we going to bring our children in? How will these teachers explain to their students about the loss of Hernan? Why does his mother have to grieve? How can the authorities not take action with this violence that reigns over that area?� Take care dear Titila...I īll pray for all of you... God bless you... Marileia
6 Jun 2009
I am so sad. What can I say,dear Titila. Courage. Your colleague may be gone but he will be remembered. Fiona (ants) is right. You are not alone. We are all here for you. Hopefully one day things will improve where you live. My condolences to you and your community. |
6 Jun 2009
My condelences Titila, your country lost an honorable teacher... I pray for him and all the teachers that have to work with such horrible conditions and insecurity.
God bless you all Dear Teachers... |
6 Jun 2009
Titila... I īm so sorry to hear about this.
It īs sad that people who pay for these terrible things (drugs)are
people who really work for a better country. Like so many teachers who
expose their lives for teenagers, when nobody else does.
I agree with Libertybelle! Although, I guess...politicians are busy
with election campaigns at the moment...i.e. lying to people! Please donīt lose faith! If there isnīt justice on earth!... There will certainly be justice in heaven! I īll be praying for you! God Bless you!!!
6 Jun 2009