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Ask for help > pure joy
pure joy
Some good ones there... I couldn �t choose just one duet because there are just too many depending on my mood and what is going on. I worked as a concert security for 17 years and have seen many as well seen many CD �s and music videos put out with some that are just breath taking. Some of my favorites would shock most on here since many tend to be a little more conservative. Some are big names and some are no names singing in the small clubs. but in the big names that I Know some on here would like Pavarotti, Bono, Santana, BB King, Johnny Cash, Faye Wong, JYP, Selena... well there �s a lot more.
Anita had to send that clip to a friend, she was listening to the song last night after she called her mom... |
12 Jun 2009
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