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Concerning worksheets > Coloured printables
Coloured printables
Coloured printables
Hello everyone,
I was wondering what do you do in the case of coloured printables....
Although I adore coloured printables I avoid creating/ printing them because in our school we only have a black & white photocopier.
Do you have a photocopier that produces coloured copies? (because those ones are really expensive) Do you show them via a projector?
I wish I could give my students coloured printables...unfortunately the colours are lost
16 Jun 2009
Hello Mailis,
I also only have access to a black and white copier, so I will usually only use a color copier (at an office supply store) if color is extremely necessary for the lesson. Occasionally, I will also just color the copies with crayons or markers, but that takes a lot of time. Despite not being able to use color printables for myself, I have started making the printables that I upload to this site in color because it is helpful to other members and they seem to appreciate the effort.
Good luck with your future printables! |
16 Jun 2009
I show the colored pictures on an over-head viewer or projector from my computer and often re-do the colored worksheets in paint shop pro ( any other image program will do) and make them black and whites for the kids. L
16 Jun 2009
Hello, I have no problem at all to print the coloured worksheet on a black and white printer and ohp or video project the coloured version. |
16 Jun 2009
there is no disformation in printing coloured worksheets by a b&w photocopier. colours are directly changed into gray scale but pictures still remains distinguishable.
16 Jun 2009
I used to change them to B&W but now I just photocpy them as is - most actually look better copied from a colour copy than when converted to B&W. |
16 Jun 2009
David Lisgo
I use an inkjet printer and refill my own ink cartridges; it �s the only way I can afford to use colour. With primary children I usually print B & W because they use many worksheets, but with secondary I use a lot of colour worksheets, it really helps to keep their interest. |
16 Jun 2009