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HELP! What can I do once exams week is over? (summer included)
HELP! What can I do once exams week is over? (summer included)
Hello my dear colleagues
now that exams week is here (at least in France!) I was wondering what to do with my kids once they�ve sat their tests. I guess their motivation won�t be the same afterwards �cos they know that the worst part is over and that there won�t be any point in learning once their exams are done.
That scares me because I give private tuitions over summer and I know they�re not going to be very into it. They�re very good students so they won�t be resitting their tests in September (so, I cannot use the trick of "let�s revise for September", if you know what I mean....). I�m asking for any advice, ideas, anything you could suggest to make my life easier! (can you imagine me in August? ) I was thinking of watching videos, films,etc. obviously in English with subtitles but it�s not very easy to get them. Does any of you know any website to free (and legally) download any of this material? Or maybe songs...... I don�t know, please, help!
Btw, I wish you all a great summer, we all deserve to have a bit of peace and calm after all our efforts during the year.
Thanks in advance. Love, Raquel
16 Jun 2009
After exams I have two weeks and the students are already showing they don �t want to be there even with them falling asleep being at school all day then academies before and after school in till the wee hours. I am trying to use a movie that has different English accents with some questions attached. Some normal questions and some open ended questions. I was looking for Adams Family 1991 or Toys with Robin Williams but couldn �t find one with Korean. Found Hildago about the famous horse racer and his race across the Arabian desert. Thinking of using it. |
16 Jun 2009
Hi Raquel, I know just what you mean...not easy at the end of the year. I �ll tell you about something I did last year that worked really well. I made up a series of small Travel in "this week we �re traveling to England"!!! I found so much amazing material on this site, and I included all sorts of aspects of England which interested the kids: football, music, food, sightseeing, weather, traditions, clothing, the royal family, etc.....I brought in pictures and songs and set up �stations � which the kids had to go through to find out all the information and to fill in question sheets. (like a treasure quest) Then I showed them some Brit films (for example, Jimmy Grimbel) and they were so happy! We listened to Beatle songs and did some worksheets where they had to fill in the lyrics. It was so much fun. After two weeks in England we moved on to the U.S, and only had time for New York . Good luck and let me know if you �d like more details! Have a great summer!
16 Jun 2009
Hi Rakelica,
Most DVD�s bought here in Spain (and I am assuming France... ) have the option of putting the film into English and subtitles in the first language i.e. Spanish or French!
A cheap option is, instead of buying movies, renting them from a video club!
There are some wonderful film activities here on the site, so I would go through that first and see what you might think the kids might like to do and then go and rent the film.
16 Jun 2009
Films? Powerpoint presentations to show them cultural aspects? My students (aged 14-16) find this quite interesting.
Hope this helps.
Inma |
16 Jun 2009
I recognice that feeling.....
I have a few games planned, but my students are primary school age. Last week I gave them a grid with a letter of the alphabet in each box. Then I showed them flash cards with pictures and said them in "Their language" and they had to write the words in English under the correct letter. When we had enough examples for each letter, we played the game where you start with a word and the next person has to say a word begging with the last letter of the word you said. We tried not to use the words from the sheets, only if they got stuck. It seemed to work well.
just an idea.
good luck with the summer classes.
cathrine. x |
16 Jun 2009
I worked at summer language camp, where the students had four 40-minute periods of English, each was held by a different teacher. So, I had 4 different groups, one by one. The first 20 minutes were devoted to different activities depending on the age of students. �It could be hidden pictures, finding differences between two pictures or word seaches, listening to the songs with the activities followed, then we watched films or cartoons with subtitles. I strongly recommend you, where you can download whole books with ready-made activities and films with subtitles. The registration is free. Good luck !
16 Jun 2009
I work at an English summer camp, which is organized by the school I work in over the school year... I always choose a topic and then organize all kinds of different activities around it - e.g. science fiction or superheroes or crime stories or the middle ages or musicals, depending on what my kids are interested in - then I choose everyhting connected to it: a movie, a text(novel or short story), wss, I prepare ppt or colourful word games (associations, quizzes, board games), creative story writing using key words (in pairs or groups), song lyrics about a connected topic, outdoor games, posters they make using magazine pics, if possible you can even have them prepare a ppt by themselves, write a play script or movie script using key words and then they can film it (even by cell phone), etc. It �s actually quite fun....
Anita |
16 Jun 2009
Hi all
thanks a lot for all your wonderful ideas, i really appreciate them
have a great summer
17 Jun 2009