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Concerning worksheets > biase !
biase !
biase !
thanks to all the biased moderators. my WS will be removed but before that I �ll have already removed it.the contribution of the members with higher points is seen more valuable even if they take the content from the net but organize them with their own lay-outs and pictures. when the subject is a member �s contribution with fewer points, how harsh some can be. I �m bored of my WS �s being frequently reported and removed with unjustice judgment. Ok no problem I really see it as a "digestion problem" of such people who can �t risk forthcoming good WS from the members with high points. I �ll be wellcoming you with good Ws.
18 Jun 2009
Keep on working how you have been doing till now. I am sure you will achieve your goals!! Sometimes things are harder than we imagine that �s why we appreciate them more than we expected. |
18 Jun 2009
manonski (f)
Sorry Suzy but I resent your comment about everyone copying images from the net. I pay a membership to 2 websites that give me the rights to use their pictures on my work. I do not copy paste from the internet without permission and I respect copyrights. You will not see watermarks on my printables because of that.
18 Jun 2009
it �s a choice to pay for images while there are tones of free images on the internet. this is not the issue, in fact. thanks for the support of colleagues morganalin , lomasbello , suzylima. thanks for your understandings.
18 Jun 2009
Good morning mr. dgdln, good morning to you all.
I understand how you must feel because, as jecika has pointed out, it really seems that someone is after you in the sense that some of your worksheets have been wrongly reported lately.
However, this is not the case of the worksheet in question, since the content was taken word by word from the Net, although you have added your personal touch in terms of layout. So, unless victor changes the rule where it is established that we are not allowed to upload copied material - "Never send copies from other websites or books. You are only allowed to upload your own creations" - there is no reason to complain, because if everybody votes according to the rules there will be no place for bias, unfairness and discrimination among members. Everybody will be treated in the same way.
Nevertheless, I can see your point. I believe - and please correct me if I am wrong - you �re not disappointed because of those who are voting for the removal based on the rules, but because of those you think are voting for the removal and in the past have voted for a similar worksheet to stay, based only on the person behind the worksheet and not on the rules. This incoherent behaviour is in fact disturbing, but I believe the only way to stop it is voting based on rules and not on personal beliefs. We must be aware, however, that there will always be people who will do as they please and there isn �t much we can do about it unless keep doing what we always do so that the decision for removal or not will be fairer.
I´m late. I must go now.
Wish you a nice day.
mena |
18 Jun 2009
I believe that unfairly reported wss would diminish if it were not anonymous. If a person has the power to send a printable to the reporting pages, he/she should be responsible for this decision. |
18 Jun 2009
So many JUDGES on this site... it �s a shame... I know copyright must be respected, but there are people here who seem to take so much time searching for worksheets to report!!!!
I wonder if those people write their own texts and draw their own pictures.... they also forget that SHARING is also important in this community... I really don �t agree with those worksheets completly copied from other sites, papers, books, etc... but there are others that shouldn �t be reported.... There are people who are overreacting... and most of them only say " victor should change the rules...." rules this rules that.....
Anyway, we all should be helping each other and this site. Not all are bad people!
18 Jun 2009
Very wise words LuciaRaposo.
I don �t see the point of worrying so much about reporting ws unless they are shamelessly copied. Otherwise, small details should be overlooked and we should actually spend more time trying to exchange ideas and materials to improve our teaching practice and contribute to the education of "good" people.
Mr. dgdln, one can see your work is downloaded, meaning, appreciated and praised by many members. So you have already contributed a lot to the good practice of others. Thank you.
I wish we could put hard feelings aside and open our hearts and minds to this community. We are, after all, educators, and if we manage to educate with tolerance and respect, we �ll be doing our share of "difference". Let �s teach to make a difference.
I thank you all for what I �ve already gathered from you and for the motivation I get to make better materials every day.
18 Jun 2009
I have a question!.. how can wss be reported even before they are published in the free contributions??.. How can people have the time to check that and how do they do it??
Have a good day everyone!
18 Jun 2009
QJ, I just now uploaded a ws and it is in my contributions page. It is not even in the daily page yet. That is how it happens.
18 Jun 2009
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