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Teaching material > clothes
Hello, my dear friends!
hope you �re having a terrific day!I �ve got a question that I �d like to ask you. How do we call things like tops, shirts, polos, tunics, jumpers, cardigans etc. in general? Is it correct to write "Different types of tops"? or is there any other term that should be used? Please, help me out, thanks beforehand! lots of hugs, Olia
22 Jun 2009
Carla Horne
Hi Olia,
For females we usually say "blouse," and for a male we say "shirt." All the words you mention are correct. It �s just when we are trying to really point out the different genders that we use those two words. I hope this helps.
Carla |
22 Jun 2009
Carla has it pretty much right. I often hear women use "tops" also; but blouses and shirts are the most common I �d say.
22 Jun 2009
From an Australian colloquial language point of view females or mothers with young children use tops for blouses, t-shirts, skivvies, shirts, crop tops and boob tubes. " I �ll just go and change my top", "You better go and put on your new top". Guys never say this, well, maybe to their girlfriend but not in front of another male.
Overgarments, as ladybird refers to them, such as jumpers (we don �t say sweaters or pullover), cardigans and jackets are called exactly that. They are not tops - they go over tops.
I �m not sure what a tunic is. I only associate that with school sports attire form my school days and I �m not sure whether that word is used widely here anymore.
Wikipedia has some entries on this topic which generally confirm what we do in Oz.
23 Jun 2009