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A Computer Question
A Computer Question
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if some you can help me. I work for a chain of private schools as a teacher trainer. My company has started to expand. Recently, my boss asked me to make some kind of forum/ file share site exclusively for the teachers in my company.
We have had a lot of problems where teachers loose their lesson plan or are stuck for ideas to use in class. I want to make something where the teachers can go to dicuss their problems and exchange ideas.
I am not great with computers so something easy to set up, inexpensive and reasonably presentable will be fine. Any ideas? I am really, really struggling with this task........ And you guys always come through for me when I have a question!!!
Thanks in advance
23 Jun 2009
Hi ! I would suggest starting a yahoo group where you can post information that will reach all of you , another option would be to have a blog for the group where you can upload all you want to share and anyone from the group can enrich with contributions .I personally have a blog with the teachers working with me .just go to and follow the intructions .hope you can profit from my experience , hug , ana |
23 Jun 2009
What about MOODLE? free, easy, safe and only restricted to the members:
23 Jun 2009
Moodle seems like a excellent option! Thanks Damielle.
I have still to investigate further but thanks for that wonderful option. I liked the other suggestions but we need something that looks really professional. So facebook or a blogging site (Both suit our needs too) is not going to impress my ultra conservative boss in Japan... I set up a google and yahoo groups account but again presentation is everything here in japan (even if the site is perfect for our needs and fully functional)...
Wonderful answers... big hugs
23 Jun 2009