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curriculum guidance
curriculum guidance
hi friends, i plan to create an english textbook for my students (kindergarten and elementary level) However, i really need the curriculum guidance to make it. any suggestion pls?? thanks a lot.
25 Jun 2009
I can only tell you how I �d go about it... Establish how many kids per group, how old they would be and how many lessons you are planning per semester/level. Then set aside a number of lessons per topic(e.g. 60 lessons per level, 5 lessons per topic, and thats 12 topics in all). Then decide on the topics(e.g. introductions, colours, numbers, family, house, nature, animals, food, toys, city/village, and some holiday topics important for your country and the English culture- Halloween, Christmas, etc.). Leave some lessons for revision and consolidation. Then work out the activity details for each topic - e.g. family: the key vocabulary, a song or rhyme, a story, key phrases (for school kids also the grammar items), and then methods and materials for each activity. Also include tests, if necessary. Think about all the things you need to work on - listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, pronunciation, etc. for each level, because this will help you to pick a particular activity for each topic. Hope this helped a little...
Anita |
25 Jun 2009