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Esprit de corps
Esprit de corps
One thing that I always try is to be fair. I�ve made a slip in one of my worksheets that made me feel really upset about it. I usually review my works, but sometimes, specially when we�re in a hurry, a slip can happen. I�ve downloaded tons of material with small slips and for me it wasn�t a bid deal since I review them before hand them out to my students.
What makes me sad is the way that some colleagues try to "help" you, showing the problem...
And this was the comment that I�ve received from Liana from Argentina:
You should know the word ADVICE is uncountable, sorry for the correction but it is something we always torture our children to remember. THANKS FOR A LOVELY GAME!!
Of course, as teachers, that we SHOULD know what we are doing, but we could be a little comprehensive about our colleagues work.
Sorry about it!!! And for the ones that have uplodaded it I can send the correct version by e-mail in order to make you save an extra point!
Take care!
17 Sep 2008
You are not the only one!! And I totally agree with you!
I was deeply upset by the comment a member left on my crash course on HAVE. I was depressed for a few days. She was right to point out the mistakes but she did not seem to understand how these mistakes came from. I know how to use HAVE, I simply forgot to remove some parts from my other crash course (the one on BE). I often use the copy-and-paste technique and sometimes I forget to remove some parts (very silly!). Sometimes mistakes come from the typing itself. What affected me most is that it was the first time this person left a comment on my work and it was a negative comment. But maybe my crash course on HAVE was the only worksheet she was interested in. If she downloaded my other worksheets, she never left a comment, not even a �Thank you�. So I guess some members never leave positive comments, only negative ones. How nice!
It was probably a little childish from me to feel so down in the dumps but I would not have minded it at all if the comment had come from one of my regular �downloaders� (domnitza, Miriam, vanda51, meuge, jecika, spring, wakebeauty, icha, and many other members too, who regularly leave a nice comment!), because THEY know how I work and they usually appreciate what I do and the time it took me to make my worksheets.
Some people obviously do not know that words can hurt...
17 Sep 2008
I am sorry but I must disagree with you both. (I do not intend to hurt feelings at all by doing so).
If there is an error on a worksheet it is perfectly reasonable to point out the error to a colleague.
I have had errors pointed out to me before and it has resulted in me improving my worksheet for the benefit of everyone.
The comment you have copied and pasted debauer, is perfectly reasonable. You did make a mistake, the person has very nicely pointed this out, while telling you what a wonderful piece of work you have contributed. I invite Liana to make such nice comments on my worksheets whenever she wants. What a fantastic person Liana is, not only has she thanked you for your worksheet, she has cared enough to try to help you out. She had no way of knowing that you had �accidently� made an error. She may have assumed that you were not sure on the rule and was trying to help you.
FrenchFrog - I am so sorry to hear that someones comments affected you so negatively. You are a wonderful contributor who is extremely creative and helpful to all in this community. From our interactions i have found you to have a great sense of humour. I hope in future you can consider these comments in a positive way - someone reaching out to help a fellow teacher.
We are always encouraging people to leave comments. Do you only want �thank you� posted on your worksheet - or do you want genuine feedback? If you just want �thank you� posted then we can ask Victor to do this as an automatic reply everytime someone downloads your worksheet. I prefer honesty and critiquing myself.
I look forward to hearing other peoples views.
17 Sep 2008
Dear Frenchfrog, this "silly" attitude comes from the kids we work with, but this is the most marvellous thing that could ever happen to adults -- to keep their souls and hearts young. So I think it is OK to act a little childishly sometimes. What I do not approve at all is to correct somebody in front of the other people. But you are right to say that there are some people who can only see the mistakes and bad parts somebody has. These are the unfortunate ones. Those who are REALLY happy when they discover that even the best can make a mistake -- especially if it is a little-little one.
So... |
17 Sep 2008
Vickiii, it is simply a question of HOW things are said. Of course, you have to correct a mistake. I know I can make mistakes because I am not a native speaker. So I like when people tell me that what I said / wrote is not correct, most of them usually tend to do it in a very subtle way, and others ....!! I just wanted to tell Daniela that I understood what she meant.
Let�s go back to work!
Frenchfrog |
17 Sep 2008
it is �tend to do SO�, not �it� ... I think.... See! I can correct myself too (if it correct...)!!
I also wanted to add that in France, we tend to focus on mistakes a lot: this is the first thing we notice. So, you basically grow up in the fear of making mistakes, and as a consequence, you may start to have some bizarre reactions (like feeling very much ashamed of yourself)!!!
Thanks Domnitza for understanding me!
Frenchfrog |
17 Sep 2008
if it IS correct (Oups! I forgot the verb!) |
17 Sep 2008
Hi teachers
I agree with everybody that it�s good when others tell you about a mistake in your worksheets. However, they should do this in a nice way to avoid hurting this person�s feelings. You don�t correct somebody else�s mistake just to show off how much you know. Being kind and sensible to others� feelings show you respect and care for them. Many of us, non-native speakers, have made and will continue to make mistakes, and we would like others to tell us but please be nice when you do so.
17 Sep 2008
We suppose to help teachers to correct the slips! I think it�s really necessary!!!
But I totally agree with Frenchfrog when she said:
Thank you for your nice words!
17 Sep 2008
And it is also a question of INTERPRETATION!
Personally (that�s me!!! I know another member will have a different reaction), when I read something like �You should know the word ADVICE is uncountable�, I cannot help thinking �As a teacher, you should know ... but it is obvious you don�t, shame on you...�. This is my first reaction.
I have just checked the definition of SHOULD in the Oxford Advanced Learner�s Dictionary, and the first definition is: �used to show that what is right, appropriate, etc., especially when criticizing sb�s actions.� (and I think that it is the negative meaning of �criticize� that is meant in the definition). The idea of giving advice comes in second position.
Here is the comment I got on my crash course:
My first reaction was: This person is basically telling me to go back to school and learn (�revise�) English grammar (> YOU must revise). But then, I thought: I hope she is referring to the worksheet itself (�You must revise THE WORKSHEET = make some changes). The comment was ambiguous to me.
We all have our history and we must deal with it!! So 2 keywords: CIRCUMSTANCES + INTERPRETATION
I will try not to see everything in a negative way. This is going to be a tough challenge for me, I�m telling you!!!!
17 Sep 2008
Hi everybody. I am Algerian. You may know that we are in month of "Ramadhan" that means we are fasting for a whole day for a whole month. (No eating, no drinking, no coffee and/or a cigarette for breakfast in the morning) Maybe that� why it seems to me I am not able to follow the discussion. So, if I understand well when you leave a comment saying "Thanks for your contribution. But, if I were you I would reconsider the ....." is not acceptable as well as the comment saying "there is a mistake/error/slip in your WS why don�t you try to reconsider ..." is not acceptable.
Now, please, would you tell me what kind of comment pointing out mistake or errors i acceptable for you. Because I really don�t see the problem with dabauer�s one.
You say we should do it (pointing mistakes) privately using private messages or e-mails. So, why? Where is the problem or shame when a colleague points out a mistake on your sheet even in front of the other members. Aren�t they all teachers like us. In addition, I personally prefer it coming from a colleague than from my SS in class.
17 Sep 2008
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