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Message board > Two WSs of mine reported the same day...!!!
Two WSs of mine reported the same day...!!!
Im Lety
Two WSs of mine reported the same day...!!!
Whats happening with the people who report the material here...?
I guess you will report most of my WSs...
As the owner of the pics and the WSs...
I guess that I can create whateaver I believe convenient with my own material and work that I have uploaded here...And use over and over again my pictures...
I work very hard to make each one...So stop reporting my material please... |
27 Jun 2009
Sometimes I think that moderators are an easy target for people who had wss deleted. Instead of trying to adapt their work and do it better next time, some members prefer to report the moderators � ws. I supported your wss and hope they won �t be deleted, if that happens, please reupload them because they are a great English resource. I love your wss.
Have a nice weekend
Zailda Coirano
27 Jun 2009
Dear Lety, I agree that is Victor �s site and he makes the rules, but the fact that the moderators should have at least 1000 a weak point. This is why a lot of frustrated people can report any ws they want, without appreciating the work that stays behind. Hard work and continuous development makes you appreciate the creativity and effort of the others. Don;t ask respect from people who don �t know what it means!!
27 Jun 2009
I �m sorry Im Lety, but I �m afraid I must disagree with you this time. It is true that as the owner of the graphics you yourself designed you can use them as many times as you want in different worksheets. Nothing wrong about that. What you should not do, however, is to upload exactly the same worksheet, in terms of content (the same 21 pieces of fruit) and type of exercise (matching), the only difference being that in one of them you placed the names of the pieces of fruit in the middle and in the other one you placed them on the right.
I �m sorry again, but in my opinion that is a repeated worksheet, which is not according to the rules of the site. I have said that in the right place - the reported contributions place - and I would have never brought this issue to the forum if the situation did not need to be clarified so that there are no misunderstandings. Both links should have been given so that those who do not have access to the contributions page understand what we are really talking about here.
I must go now.
Wish you a nice day.
mena |
27 Jun 2009