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Concerning worksheets > Doubt regarding CLIPART COPYRIGHTS
Bruna Dutra
I was thinking and felt like asking you guys. If someone says they �ve purchased the right to use the cliparts they use in their WS, and I download the WORKSHEET with the CLIPART included (of course), do I have the "right" to use the WS in my classes (I being the �downloader � of the WS)?
Because I �m sure I �ve seen websites that claim you are only allowed to use their clipart for your classes (you being the buyer of the clipart).
All the clipart I used in my WSs are for free use, at least I downloaded them under this name.
And to go further, not just regarding clipart, what about the pictures that look really �bookish �? Where do they come from? Am I allowed to use those?
I �m kind of new to the website, so I was a little lazy and didn �t search the forum to find the answer to my question, but I hope you can solve my doubts.
Thanks in advance!
27 Jun 2009
manonski (f)
My field of expertise is not copyrights. I do pay two websites to have the right to use their cliparts. My guess is you are fine since you are not using the cliparts to make a profit. |
27 Jun 2009
Bruna Dutra
Hi, Manoski.
You could say that NOT to make a profit per se, because we don �t sell your WS here, but like I said before, our �currency � is our WSs and points, but in your case you are passing the clipart you bought to other teachers.
I ask because I work in a private English course and we are very concerned with material rights, since everything we use as a single WS is archived for future check. So actually, I don �t use many of the ESLprintables WS in the school I work in, only with my private students. But I do get the inspiration or topic to create my own.
I hope you get my point. Best wishes
27 Jun 2009
manonski (f)
I do get your point. My memberships give me the rights to use the cliparts on a website of mine (if I had one), in pamphlets or printed advertisements. I am not allowed to sell them.
27 Jun 2009
Bruna Dutra
Manoski... I read the license of one of the sites it states that you cannot distrubute the right to use the images, but I guess people (by people, I mean us, other teachers) can use the image for non-commercial purposes, is that right?
but what I was really looking for are copyrights and/or royalty free images that I can use as my school �s material, not just my own.
Does anyone know of a website that can provide me with those?
28 Jun 2009
manonski (f)
This site has membership for schools.
28 Jun 2009
David Lisgo
I am registered with iclipart and I own collections of royalty free clipart. I cannot sell the clipart but I can sell, and do in some cases, the materials I make with this clipart. The usual limit on sales is 100,000 copies, but I �ll never get there. People can make copies of my creations for personal use as the copyright then belongs to me, not the clipart provider, but people are not allowed to take images off my work and use it in their own.
Must go. |
28 Jun 2009
David Lisgo
I �m back.
My point is that if you create materials using single user licensed clipart, then you can give your school permission to make copies of your work whilst you retain the copyright. |
28 Jun 2009