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A short and simple game for grammar

A short and simple game for grammar
hi all ,
I do appreciate your great efforts here ..
I�d like you to help me to find any possible simple game for my students in grade nine (ESL ss) but their English is weak .My lesson is about the past simple, present perfect and present perfect continous .
So, please any one have any ideas how to explain the lesson in a fun way since I have to do it in a powerpoint show as the school administration recommended .
I need a game or warm up at the begining of the lesson - then pictures that matches the three tenses which will help to explain the difference bt. the tenses easily..
Please , I seek your help all!! |
22 Oct 2008

Someone introduced �Detective Game� to me, where one or two students get out of the class for 3-5 minutes then come back afterward to guess what changes have been made in their class.
The procedure is like this: 1. Choose 1 or 2 students (the detectives) to go out of the classroom. Before going out, let them observe the class for about a minute. 2. Choose three students as your assistants, telling them that they can change or move 3 things in the classroom (1 for each student). 3. Call the detectives back. Give them 3-5 minutes to find out the changes. They must use the grammar you are teaching that day. Example: �Someone took the eraser� (past simple) or �Someone has just taken the eraser� (present perfect) or �The eraser is gone, someone must have taken it� (passive, must have for deduction) 4. Say �yes� for every correct answer and �try again� for wrong guesses. After time is up, give compliments to the detectives. Sorry, the game doesn�t cover all your needs. But I do hope you would find it useful.
25 Oct 2008

thanks alot seems very interesting I will try it ! Most sweet wishes for you dearpuspita! |
25 Oct 2008