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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > Warm-ups.
I don�t know about you - but I love to start a class with a warm-up activity to turn everyones english brain on.
Some people believe it is important that the warm-up be connected to the topic of the day. Other people believe it just needs to engage the students.
I believe you have to get them laughing so they forget about feeling self-conscious.
Here is a great website (not ESL but) that has a whole lot of english signs that have double meanings
For example: Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa, will be speaking tonight at Calvary Methodist. Come hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa.Helps if you know that belch means burp...
I shared this with my students one day and once they worked out what it meant - they all got the giggles.
Another favourite of mine:
Lenten Worship Sermon:The Surest Road to Hell Below that: "Transportation Available. Please call before noon Saturday."
Check out the site for other great starter signs with double meanings.
22 Oct 2008
Funny and effective I�m sure. I dont think warm ups should relate to the grammar to be seen (not always anyways) I personaly do a daily inspirational quote and a daily word with meaning and sample sentence. After that any 5 minute activity that comes to mind, riddles, jockes, tongue twisters are very effective (specially when you have students create their own.
My favorite daily quote : We must build dykes of courage to hold back floods of fear -- by Marthin Luther King Jr.
My students�s favorite wordso far: flabergasted (they even made cartoons for it!)
22 Oct 2008