Explain to students that they are going to play a
board game and the aim of the game is to be the
first group to reach ‘finish’.
Put students into groups of two or three, and give
each group a copy of the board game, along with
a dice and one counter per student. The students
should put all the counters on the first square,
which is marked ‘Start’.
How to play the game
Explain that the first student should roll the dice
and start telling a story, using the linking word
given in the square that they have landed on
(e.g. if they rolled a two, they move their counter
two squares along from the start and use the
word first). The next student then rolls the dice
and has to continue the story using the linker on
their square.
The game continues with the students trying
to construct a logical story using linkers until
one student reaches ‘finish’ and completes the
story. As each group finishes, they should call
out ‘Linkers!’ until they’re all done. Then, the
game could be replayed, either in the same or
Age: +16
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