What should I eat?
The objective of this class is to have students practice a simple and practical sentence structure, using “should.” This lesson also gives students good practice in thinking about their own ideas and giving their suggestions.
Recommendations attachment: To make the ´explanation/question´ cards, simply print and cut them into squares.
Start off by showing the students a short skit between the teachers or teacher/student. The script is in the attachment.
Ask questions about the skit to the students and have volunteers answer.
Then, pass out the worksheet. Read each of the ´Listening Questions´ one-by-one and have the students write their answers on their worksheet. There is no one correct answer. Also, have students write their answers in full answer form: "You should eat a natto pizza." Once complete ask for volunteers to share their answers.
Problem Matching: Hand out a ´explanation´ or ´question´ card to each student, and then demonstrate the rules for the students with the JTE.
Teacher: Hello.
Student: Hello.
Teacher: I´m going to a picnic.
Student : When should I study?
4. The goal of this activity is to match an ´explanation´ card to a ´question´ card. The above example doesn´t match so they would part ways and find another partner. But, if the Student´s card said "What should I wear," that would be a match and the pair can return to their seats.
5. For the final activity on the worksheet, students write their own original dialogues.
The best part of this lesson plan is seeing students talk with each other and giving opinions. It’s a difficult activity to copy other students, so everyone must work together and genuinely use their English.
If students have never studied "You should…," then that is probably important that they understand that word. However, I think many students have studied this before. The goal of this lesson isn’t to teach the phrase, but rather to give them practice saying it, and thinking on their feet.
Age: +14
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Copyright 25/8/2016 Anthony
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