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Whose Wallet is This Conversation Task Part 2 of 3 (16 Cards, Wallet Items, Activities and Links) worksheet


Whose worksheets:

“WH - QUESTION WORDS” - Who-Whose-What-When-Where-(( 5 Exercises / 85 Sentences to complete )) - Elementary/Intermediate - (( B&W VERSION INCLUDED ))
“WH - QUESTION WORDS” - Who-Whose-What-When- Where-(( 5 Exercises / 85 Sentences to complete )) - Elementary/Intermedi ate - (( B&W VERSION INCLUDED ))
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
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The "WHOSE" series (1/8)
Level: elementary
Age: 6-9
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Relative pronouns: whose-where-why-when
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Level: elementary
Age: 6-9
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The "WHOSE" series (2/8)
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Whose are these? (school)
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Whose are these? (10)
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The "WHOSE" series (3/8)
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Whose Wallet is This Conversation Task  Part 1 of 3 (16 Cards, Wallet Items, Activities and Links)
Whose Wallet is This Conversation Task Part 1 of 3 (16 Cards, Wallet Items, Activities and Links)
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 433

Whose Wallet is This Conversation Task  Part 3 of 3 (16 Cards, Wallet Items, Activities and Links)
Whose Wallet is This Conversation Task Part 3 of 3 (16 Cards, Wallet Items, Activities and Links)
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 417

The "WHOSE" series (4/8)
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Age: 8-10
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The "WHOSE" series (6/8)
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
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Whose house is this? - Listening Test
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
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Level: elementary
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The "WHOSE" series (7/8)
Level: elementary
Age: 6-9
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Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
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Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
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  Grammar worksheets > Pronouns > Whose > Whose Wallet is This Conversation Task Part 2 of 3 (16 Cards, Wallet Items, Activities and Links)
Whose Wallet is This Conversation Task  Part 2 of 3 (16 Cards, Wallet Items, Activities and Links) Whose Wallet is This Conversation Task Part 2 of 3 (16 Cards, Wallet Items, Activities and Links)

Whose Wallet is This can be used a conversation or writing activity. You or your students can use plain paper to fold 16 wallets. You can use real wallets if you have some to spare. Once you have printed all the elements you need from parts 1, 2 and 3 you can begin to fill each wallet. Put your students into pairs or small groups. Give each team or group a wallet to explore. Students must empty each wallet onto their desks or tables. Students then talk or write about the owner of the wallet using the owner’s information from the identification card and the other contents. I have tried to include things that you would typically find in a wallet. Of course the activity will have more impact if you add your own items like coins, parking tickets, fortune cookie fortunes, train tickets, stickers, family photos, good luck charms etc. Below you will find some of the generators I have used and a few more that you may enjoy. I have made the ID Card templates, business cards, stamps, shopping lists, raffle tickets, scratch and win tickets, cash and credit cards. Most of the items I have drawn have a black and white version which you may find useful. Have Fun! http://www.says-it.com/ http://www.prescriptionmaker.com/ http://www.customreceipt.com/ http://postit.note.txt2pic.com/ http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/sitemap/sitemap.php http://omatic.musicairport.com/ http://monolpoly.game.cards.txt2png.com/ http://www.customizemagnets.com/ecards/childrens.asp?page=1 http://www.signgenerator.org/signs/garden/gardens.asp http://license.plates.txt2pic.com/ http://bighugelabs.com/frame.php Don’t forget to get Part 1 and Part 3!

 Age: 12-17

Copyright 15/12/2010   S.Valjetic
Publication or redistribution of any part of this document is forbidden without authorization of the copyright owner.

see more worksheets by Pinky Makus



Whose Wallet is This Conversation Task  Part 2 of 3 (16 Cards, Wallet Items, Activities and Links)
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