Castle Battle
Castle Battle is a territory power point board game that takes place in Japan (you may change the name of the castles). There are four color banners to choose from, and twelve castle to conquer.
There are four colors so groups will be allied with each other thus in a class that breaks into 6 groups there will be 2 red teams, 2 blue teams and 2 yellow teams.
The teacher will make questions to ask groups. If the group gets the answer correct, they will have the choice of picking a castle to take over.
After all twelves castle are conquered the groups will then have the option of taking over a another group castle by rolling a dice. I usually use one dice and start with if you roll a 4,5,6 you may take a group�s castle. As the game slowly progress I erase a number making it harder to take other groups castle.
Very fun & easy game! Suited for all subjects!
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