Europe Day - 9th May 2009
Since I was asked to celebrate Europe Day with my students, I created this powerpoint in order to teach them how to say "Welcome" in some european languages. I never uploaded a powerpoint but I really hope it works!! I also created another one with the word "Thank you". If you need it, send me a message and I will e-mail it back to you or upload it in the website.
I decided to give them a paper (before starting the presentation) where they have to write down this word in the different languages so that, on the last powerpoint page, we can correct it. Then, we are going to create a poster with the words and the correspondent languages. Any doubt, please feel free to ask!
P.S. I donīt know how it turned out grey because it was white!!
The images were taken from the microsoft clipart except the European Union flag which was taken from http://images.google.pt/imgres?imgurl=http://fotos.sapo.pt/6Yzl1MKOm2B3Gsl4vwmU/s320x240&imgrefurl=http://asnossasvozes.blogs.sapo.pt/58720.html&usg=__tNnsBIlrDf7Hnyn37lkQE4NWwYI=&h=216&w=320&sz=30&hl=pt-PT&start=100&tbnid=fVpArs223J8t3M:&tbnh=80&tbnw=118&prev=/images3Fq3Ddia2Bda2Beuropa26gbv3D226ndsp3D1826hl3Dpt-PT26sa3DN26start3D90
Copyright 28/4/2009 ritinha23
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