D. Dinis - Back to the old times
This is a translation I made a few years ago, from a Portuguese well known book, for children about 10/13. The Portuguese name is "Uma visita ā Corte de D.Dinis". I think this may be useful for Portuguese teachers, mainly, but also other teachers can use the story in their lessons. You can use it also in Est.Acompanhado. Two teens and a crazy scientist fly back in time and go to the castle of this Portuguese king,D.Dinis. Itīs a terrible adventure and, sometimes, they miss all the facilities of the modern times they are so used to. I never sent the ppt, because it was very heavy. There is also another one with several tasks related to the story here:
I have the permission, from the publisher, to retell the story and use the pictures and upload it. Enjoy.
Copyright 16/6/2010 Olinda Lima
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