The M&M game
This is a game that I love doing in my first classes - whether with big classes or even one-to-one students! And the great thing is, you can use it with all ages! If you are dealing with older students you might want to put some more difficult questions and younger students just keep it simple!
On the beginning of the class, I show the M&M´s and ask them to get as many as they want (don�t explain it yet, otherwise they might get fewer to speak less) and tell them not to eat them yet!! - You might want to put the M&M�s in a bowl to make it easier. After all students have M&M�s I either show this document on the screen or give each pair of students a printed version. Then I explain that for each M&M they have, they should answer a question according to the colour! If I have a small class, we do it together, and if it�s a bigger class you might want to put them in pairs and give them a few minutes to get to know each other!
Another possibility is that if you have a big class and you just don�t want to buy many packs of m&m�s you can just ask each student to get one and answer the question according to the colour they got.
You can also choose not to use M&M´s, this works with coloured pompoms, paper, or even string - you ask the students to cut a piece of string as big as they want and then, you explain that they have to twist it around their index finger, and for each twist, they should give a piece of information about themselves.
Age: +6
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Copyright 13/1/2021 Ana Maria Gouveia
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