Grade 6, Lesson 1 Korean National curriculum
This is a jigsaw game designed for the national Elementary curriculum in Korea (as of 2010). This can be easily tied-into lesson 1 of the Grade 6 book.
First, simply design a Power Point with cultural facts about the countried covered in the book: Canada, United States of America, Britain, Korea, Chine, Japan
Next, show pictures with one to two-words on each of the topics shown on the worksheets: Color of the flags, Olympic winner, favorite sport of the country and, favorite food of the country.
Tell the students to use the content of this PPT to solve the puzzle in the game.
Game Instructions
ик - There are 4 people per group: A, B, C, D
ик - Every person has a piece to the puzzle
-There are 6 countries in total. Each student has 1 of 4 hints which they should read aloud.
- Students should work together to put the clues together and solve the puzzle.
- Draw a line from the Country question (on the left) to the Country flag (on the right)
Age: 11-12
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Copyright 15/3/2010 blueshades
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