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Home > Other printables worksheets > Human Bingo

English worksheet: Human Bingo Human Bingo

A great Icebreaker Print this worksheet, cut them in helaf and give one to each student. Tell the students, depending on the size of the class that they need to get 5 in a row or even black out to win. They need to find classmates who fit the descriptions. Change the boxes as needed. Tell them that they can only have a classmate sign their card one time. When someone wins, bring them to the front and check their answers. You can get to know the students much better with this game and they really enjoy it. I teach in Korea so some of them are culturally relevant here, but you can change your boxes to what ever you want.

 Age: 10-17

Copyright 27/9/2010  dandoerksen
Publication or redistribution of any part of this document is forbidden without authorization of the copyright owner.

Korea, South
see more worksheets by dandoerksen



Human Bingo worksheet


