2 of 3 Long Time No See CARDS No. 1 male - Practise PAST Tenses - Reading and Speaking activity
This is a fun reading and speaking activity to practise PAST TENSES. Laminate and cut out the MALE cards (8 cards per male character), give a complete stack to you students and tell them to work in pairs or small groups: Sort the pictures into a chronological order and make sentences. Think about what, when, with whom, why, how long? Pay attention to the past tenses! - Use my other past tenses cards for exercise 2. WORKSHEET here: http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=503513#thetop *** FEMALE cards here: http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=503515#thetop *** I used the free avatars from yahoo.com HAVE FUN!!!
Age: 14-17
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Copyright 03/2/2011 Kathleen Jordan
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