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Home > conversation worksheets > Chocolate Trivia Quiz

English worksheet: Chocolate Trivia Quiz Chocolate Trivia Quiz

This is a chocolate trivia quiz designed to be used as a final activity by a teacher after having taught a lesson, or series of lessons on the History of Chocolate. Students will need prior knowledge of certain facts in order to answer these questions and it is not supposed to be a worksheet but rather a trivia game. The teacher reads out a question at a time and the first student to raise their hand and answer correctly gets rewarded with some chocolate! I did this with students in an intermediate level ESL class (after they had read an article on the History of Chocolate) and they had so much fun.

 Age: 14-17

Copyright 12/4/2008  qureshr
Publication or redistribution of any part of this document is forbidden without authorization of the copyright owner.

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Chocolate Trivia Quiz worksheet


