Meeting Friends Board Game
This is a board game designed to get the class to learn to introduce themselves. About 2-5 players start at "Start" and roll a dice and move along the board in a "snakes and ladders" fashion. If they land on a speaking block they must say and complete the sentence out loud to the players (eg: My dream is to be a pilot), if they land on a rock, scissors, paper block then they choose one player and play rock, scissors, paper against them and if they win they roll again but if they lose they miss a turn. If they land on a green lightning block they shoot ahead to where it points and if they land a red landmine block they go backwards to where it points. If they land on roll again then they roll again. Depending on how long it has taken the students they can go around the board twice. My classes have loved it (especially if thereīs a prize for the winner)
Age: 6-14
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