TED Talks Tim Urban Video:Inside The Mind Of A Master Procrastinator. Running Time 10 mins 3 seconds
Tim Urban Ted Talks. Running Time 14 mins 3 seconds
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
Question and answer keys prints
This is one of the all time best TED Talks episodes. Depending on the level of the students you can select to add subtitles or not. Generally I play the video twice. The first time where the students just watch it and try to take in as much information as they can.
Prior to the second viewing, I hand out the question sheet and go through it with them before playing the video. The students then select the correct answer by circling a, b or c. Usually I will call out to say question one is coming up and read the question out aloud.
As well as being a short English comprehension video lesson, it really is a terrific talk that students can learn a lot from.
In conclusion, it is an excellent, educational, entertaining resource, with a lot of sound advice on how to get things done more efficiently academically or personally.
Age: +14
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