Date: 18th February 2010
In order to use this website you have to
register. Then you will receive a confirmation email to activate your account.
It is not allowed to have more than one
account in this website.
If you want to cancel your account, please
contact the administrator:

The administrator of the website is
allowed to cancel your account at his discretion if you don't follow the rules of the
points system:
This is a sharing website. All users have
to contribute if they want to use other members' contributions.
If you send a printable or a powerpoint,
it will be published the next day. Whenever someone downloads your
worksheet, you'll get one point, although you'll have to wait two days
to receive those points.
You can use your points to download other
users' contributions. For example, if you have 14 points you will be
able to
download 14 worksheets.
When you reach 30 points you will become a
premium user (not automatically, but the next day). Then you will have 30 free downloads every day (without
using your points). These 30 free downloads can only be chosen from the recent
contributions (previous day contributions), not from the whole collection.
New users are allowed to upload one
worksheet per day. When you become a premium user you are allowed to
send three worksheets per day.
The recent contributions can be found in
this page:
You can also get points by creating online
exercises. We have an easy-to-use tool to make them. You can find all
the information and tutorials
The online exercises will be rated by the
other users the day after publication, and you'll get points according
to the average rating:
- Average rating 5: you will get 10 points - Average rating 6: you
will get 20 points - Average rating 7: you will get 30 points - Average rating 8: you
will get 50 points - Average rating 9: you will get 100 points - Average rating 10: you
will get 150 points - Average rating under 5: the contribution is not approved
and will be removed.
The approved online exercises will be
published in, and they can be used by you and your
students for free (no points needed).
you can make "online notebooks" for your students. You can make
passwords for them, and assign them online work. Then you can see all
their answers and results. More information
You can get points by uploading printables,
powerpoints, or online exercises.
Your contributions must be 100% in English
Your contributions must be your own
creations. You can use free images from cliparts or other free sources.
You can also use images that you have subscribed to and paid for.
You can īt publish any document including
pictures or contents taken from, since it īs against their
terms of use.
Worksheets containing watermarked cliparts
are not allowed and will be removed from now on.
Please, don't use pictures taken from
other ESL websites or books, even if you add your own exercises.
If you have a worksheet that you didn't
make yourself (borrowed from a colleague teacher, for example) don't
send it. It might be taken from a website or book, and your account
could be banned on account of it.
You can use texts from other websites or
books in your worksheets if you add your own exercises or activities (For example, reading
comprehension questions, etc). Please don't take texts from other ESL
websites or books, it would be unfair.
If your worksheet is just a reading text,
it will only be accepted if the text is written by you.
It is acceptable to take a text from other
sources (not ESL websites or ESL books) and add your own exercises or
activities, but you are not allowed to take an exercise from another
source and add more exercises of your own. All the exercises must be yours.
You can use songs (traditional or modern)
but make sure that you add your own exercises or activities. If your
worksheet consists of just the song with a beautiful decoration, it will be
considered a copy, since the content is not yours. Of course, if you
write your own song, it will be gladly accepted, even if you don't add any
Worksheets consisting just of lists (such
as "Phrasal verbs list" or "Irregular verbs list") are allowed, although
they are not recommended because everybody can find them in other
websites for free. Of course, they are not allowed if you have copied
them from another source.
You are not allowed to send the same
worksheet twice.
Answer keys
are highly appreciated, but they must be included in the same document
as the original worksheet, not uploaded as a different one.
There will be two special categories:
templates and
tutorials. No points will be needed to download them (new
users are the ones that might need them most). The generous members who
upload contributions for these categories will get no points from them.
You are allowed to use templates from the
"templates page" to make your own contributions, but it is not allowed
to use other members' worksheet as templates.
If you want to contribute with templates
or tutorials, just upload your printable or powerpoint and choose the
category "Other printables > templates" or "Other printables >
tutorials". Remember that you'll get no points from them.
If you want to send a colour and a BW
version of the same worksheet, they have to be in the same document.
In the past, members were permitted to
send the colour and the BW versions in different documents. Those worksheets will
not be removed, but members are no longer allowed to do so.
Single flashcards (a document with a
single picture) are not allowed. There must be at least four flashcards
in the same document for it to be considered a flashcard set and be
accepted. In the past we had many flashcards uploaded
separately, and they will not be removed, but it is not allowed anymore.
Your contributions must be ESL resources.
For example:
is allowed
because it is an ESL task (read and learn
vocabulary) |
 Single flashcards are
not allowed, but you can send
a SET of flashcards (at least 4). |

is allowed
because it is a speaking activity (Bingo) |
 This is
not allowed
because it is not an ESL resource. |
 This is
not allowed
because it is just a frame, without any
activity in English. |
 This is
not allowed
because it is not an ESL activity (students
don't learn English trying to find the path) |
 Cliparts and coloring pages are
not allowed. |
is allowed
because it includes a reading activity. |
If three of your contributions are
confirmed as copies by the moderators, your account will be reviewed by
the administrator of the website, who might cancel your account at his
discretion, taking into account the percentage of your work has been
copied, if you have been warned previously, etc.
In order to save space in the web server,
worksheets and powerpoints with 0 downloads after one month will be automatically
The uploading system:
Printables must be under 500KB.
They must be .doc files.
If you are using Word 2007, take into
account that your documents will be saved as .docx by default. This
format is not accepted here, since not everybody can use it. Therefore
you have to choose "save as word 97-2003 document", in the "save as"
Powerpoints must be under 2 MB.
They must be .ppt documents.
If the uploading system does not work,
first check that your document meets the previous conditions. Even when
it does, the uploading system may fail
sometimes. In that case it is recommended to wait and try again 1 hour
After uploading your document, you will
have to enter the title, description, category, keywords, etc. Please,
be descriptive and accurate, it will help your worksheet to be found by
the members who need it, enabling you to get more points.
The forum:
You are free to use the forum to express
yourself, ask for help, make suggestions, etc.
If you start a new topic, please write a
descriptive title and keywords. It will be easier for other members to
find it later.
Don't start a new topic when you are
replying to a previous post.
Don't use the forum to advertise your
worksheets or other users' worksheets. (You can do it if another member
asks for a specific content or topic).
Don't use the forum for personal attacks.
Those kind of posts will be removed by the administrator.
Never insult other users or try to hurt
Never publish Private Messages in the
forum. They are private.
Those messages which are considered spam
by the administrator will be removed (such as using the forum with the
solely purpose of advertising your website).
If you want to share photos, wishes, funny
videos, etc. please use the "teachers'
cafe", not the forum.
Do not publish your email, telephone
number or
address in the forum. Anybody could see it. It is not safe.
The moderators:
Users with over 5000 points are
moderators. This is a voluntary activity that you can participate in to help keep
the website fair and clean.
The moderators will review the
contributions that have been reported by members, and confirm if they
are against the rules or not.
The moderators can also inform the
administrator if there are forum posts that go against the rules.
The activity of the moderators will be
supervised by the administrator, who can decide to revoke the moderator
privileges of anyone who does not moderate according to the rules.
The reporting system:
Any user with 30 or more points can
report contributions, if they think that they are against the rules.
Reported contributions will be reviewed by
the moderators.
Reported contributions will be "frozen"
(not downloadable) until they are reviewed by the moderators. If the
moderators decide that the worksheet is not against the rules, it will
be included in the "recent contributions" the next day.
The reports will also be supervised by the
administrator, who can decide to revoke the reporting privileges of
anyone who reports worksheets without justified reasons.
The private messenger:
You can contact other users through the
private messenger.
If someone is bothering you with unwanted messages,
you can add his/her username to your ignore list, and he/she won't be
able to send you any more messages.
The documents included in this website are
property of their authors. When you send us a printable you agree that
other people can download and use it.
The documents included in this website
can be downloaded for personal use only. You are not allowed to
use them for commercial purposes, nor to publish them by any means
whatsoever. That includes publishing them on your website for your
students' use.
The rules that have changed will not be
applied to older contributions.
These rules and instructions are subject to
further change. All the members of the website will be informed of the