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English worksheets  > contributions by David Lisgo


The author

David Lisgo
David Lisgo
website Japan

I am now, after more than 5 decades in the work force, officially semi-retired. New hobby: gardening. Old hobby restarting: table tennis. I still have some classes to teach and materials to design, many of which I will continue to share with the dear members of ESLPs. You may come across my materials on Facebook and my blog.

Points: 60235


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Online exercises

ABC mini-books Bb and Cc: Colour, B & W and blank books (6 pages plus suggestions for use)
I have changed the design a little, now you get fourteen different words for each letter and six worksheets. I envision that you will use different worksheets with different classes but if you progress from blank through to color with the same class, you can now have new vocabulary each time. I have taken out the new letter formation worksheet and ...
Level: elementary
Age: 3-8
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 75

Whose are these? Flashcards 9-16 of 24
Here are some newly made flash cards for practicing the possessive s with "Whose are these?" and occupations. "Whose gloves are these?" "They are the boxer�s gloves." or "Those are the boxer�s gloves." I decided to have fun and give each card its own border. If you print the back, it will be easy to keep the cards together and the right way up. ...
Level: elementary
Age: 5-14
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 75

Family Flash Cards: 49-56 of 72
Although these are primarily designed as family flash cards they can be used in many other areas such as, as previously mentioned, in combination with verb cards. "What�s your sister doing?" For physical descriptions, "What does your grandfather look like?" and for fashion, "What�s your friend wearing?" I�ll have to try out all these ideas myself.
Level: elementary
Age: 4-17
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 75

Carmen: A reading with comprehension exercises, quizzes, suggestions for use and a key.
Have the children read a paragraph each out loud and then you read it. Then have them ask you questions about the vocabulary. -David, what is -tomorrow-? -Today is Wednesday, tomorrow is Thursday.- (You may want to have a calendar or the days of the week handy.) Ask the children questions about the text and personalize the text as you go along. -Wh...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-14
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 75

Quantifying Flash Cards: "a few" and "a little"
Searched the net for "Quantifying Flash Cards" came up blank apart from some �container� cards, so I have designed my own and I�m sharing this first lot with you. There are a few monkeys in the barrel. How many monkeys are in the barrel? A few. What�s in the barrel? A few monkeys. There is a little food on the table. How much is ...? and so on. I ...
Level: elementary
Age: 5-17
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 75

Quantifying Flash Cards: 17-24 of 24 not much and not many
Searched the net for "Quantifying Flash Cards" came up blank apart from some �container� cards, so I have designed my own. There are not many clouds in the sky. Key included.
Level: elementary
Age: 5-17
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 74

Quantifying Flash Cards: 9-16 of 24 some and a lot of
Searched the net for "Quantifying Flash Cards" came up blank apart from some �container� cards, so I have designed my own and I�m sharing some more with you. There are a lot of books in the library. There is a lot of furniture in the van. Key included. From two days ago: http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=747569#thetop
Level: elementary
Age: 5-17
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 73

a, an, the: color and B & W
The Japanese language doesn�t use articles, so even advanced speakers have difficulty with them. Actually I think my young learners did better than some of my adult students with this one. An answer key (as if you need one) is included as well as some ideas for teaching articles.
Level: elementary
Age: 4-11
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 73

Countable Uncountable and Containers flash cards 1-6 of many.
Have you ever taught countables and uncountables in English only and then tried showing students how we can move from uncountable to countable using containers and then numbers (noun-adjectives)? Maybe you�re a far better teacher than I, as I often end up with blank faces. Perhaps cards such as these will help teachers teach and students unders...
Level: elementary
Age: 6-14
Type: flash-card
Downloads: 72

Quite the Opposite: illustrated fill the gap exercise with key
Hi, I�m having (and giving you) a break from phonics. I couldn�t find my opposites crossword so I decided to make this exercise as I must teach adjectives and opposites this week. I�m sure that most students will not need instructions, but if you see a blank page then give the student a little help until that "Aha!" moment.
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 72


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