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English worksheets  > contributions by topjimmynzl


The author

James Lister
Korea, South

Points: 36


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Online exercises

TROUBLE BOARD GAME passive cards
Sentence cards to give students practice changing active to passive in the following forms: present/past simple, present perfect, future (will) One sheet is made of general use questions and the other contains questions more suitable for teachers working in Korea. This activity is designed to be used with the TROUBLE board game (which can be fou...
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-17
Type: others
Downloads: 22

TROUBLE - multi-purpose board game
For those not familiar with the board game TROUBLE © designed by MILTON BRADLEY GAMES, here is an explanation of the original rules. ORIGINAL RULES The rules are pretty straight forward. If you roll a 6, you get to move a token out of your "Home" area into the playing area. If you don�t roll a six and you have no tokens in the playing area...
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Type: others
Downloads: 14


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