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English worksheets  > contributions by juliag


The author

Julia Greef

I ve been teaching, mainly kids, in Japan for 10 years and love the teaching, the country and the people.

Points: 31896


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Online exercises

Uncountable Food & Drink Nouns Pictionary Part 2/2.
Here is part 2 of the uncountable food nouns guide. Hope it�s useful. Part 1 is at http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=373543#thetop. Related exercises for elementary students are at http://www.eslprintables.com/printable.asp?id=378082#thetop. May I take this opportunity to say thank you for your comments - they are so encouraging and nic...
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: Choose
Downloads: 352

A, an, some & any with countable & uncountable nouns - guide & exercises.
Students first look at the table to learn the rules and then do 2 exercises. In the first, they just choose a, an or some based on the picture clues. In the second, they complete sentences with a, an, some and any and match to the pictures. Hope everyone has a lovely Friday and weekend.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-10
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 498

Review of "To Have" With Princess Diana and Her Legacy Part 3 of 3, Four Pages Plus Answer Key
I have noticed my adults have some problems with the formation of the verb to have, particularly the interrogative, which they confuse with the present perfect, so I�ve made this set as a review for them. Sorry, I had to split it into 3 parts as the file was too heavy. This third part focuses on the new generation of royals with a reading text abou...
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 154

Phonics Mini Book 2 - ch sound - Chika the Chicken
This next one is to practice the ch sound. Thanks once again to DedicatedTeacher for the perfect template, and to Phillip Martin for the chicken image. Hope it�s useful for some of you, too. Have a lovely Thursday!
Level: elementary
Age: 8-9
Type: Choose
Downloads: 106

Prepositions of Place Board Game
Designed to be used with: Where is the...? Where are the...s? but could also be used with: There is a... There are ...s (in front of the window etc.). Enjoy.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
Type: activity-card
Downloads: 110

I Spy...
I usually take my classes outside for a walk when we do this worksheet, but if that is not an option you could always get your students to walk round your class or school. With the very little ones I just get them to point at something and say, for example, "Red flower," and then draw a picture in the appropriate row. With the older ones I usually ...
Level: elementary
Age: 3-9
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 5

Alphabet Bookmarks with size guidelines for young learners - 5 designs
Double-sided book marks to help our students write the alphabet correctly. Five different designs for students to choose from - penguin, pig, peacock, turtle, monkey, rabbit. Hope everyone has a great start to the week.
Level: elementary
Age: 4-7
Type: others
Downloads: 110

Uncountable Food & Drink Nouns Pictionary Part 1/2.
As my students seem to have trouble learning which are the uncountable foods and drinks I have compiled a pictionary of the main food and drink uncountable nouns. This is part 1. Part 2 and some exercises to follow as I complete them.
Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 503

Making Open & Closed Questions with Be Verb Simple Present Part 1
A what I hope is clear and easy to understand visual presentation of how to make both Yes/No and Information Questions with be verb in the present tense, followed by a few exercises. Thanks to Phillip Martin for most of the clipart. BTW, I know that many of your prefer to say "to be" but "be verb" is easier for my students to understand and when I ...
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Type: worksheet
Downloads: 451

What�s in the Park Board Game. There is, There are, There isn�t, There aren�t
This is a board game I use to practice there is, there are in both the affirmative and negative with nature. The board game includes both countable and non-countable words. I use it with the language trees, bears, grass, farm, mountains, hikers, flowers, sand, sheep, river, litter, lake, waterfall, fish and trails, though of course other versions a...
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-17
Type: others
Downloads: 65


Halloween Trivia (Imagery, history, customs etc.) Quiz for 2 Teams, 34 slides, with animations
A Halloween Trivia Quiz which (I think) our students can enjoy at the same time as learning a lot about Halloween. I learnt a lot as I made it anyway, though in same cases it was hard to tell what was fact and what was legend, so if you spot any glaring factual mistakes please let me know so I can c...

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 1444

Be Verb Affirmative & Negative Revision Powerpoint Game
I made this game to revise to be (affirmative & negative) with my students in a fun way. Students are in teams. You spin the wheel and teams choose the correct either positive or negative part of be verb based on what they can see behind it. I fhte answer is positive, students move on to the next qu...

Level: elementary
Age: 7-9
Downloads: 159

Phrasal Verbs with Look Powerpoint Game
A powerpoint game to practice 10 common phrasal verbs with look. Hope all have a great week.

Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 82

Simple Present Interrogative with Want: Do or Does & Answers. Powerpoint Game with 17 slides.
It�s a powerpoint that combines grammar (auxillary verbs do & does in simple present interrogative) with a memory game to motivate students. Explain to students how the Venn diagram on slide 2 works and give them about a minute to try and remember what the boy, the girl, and both of them want before...

Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Downloads: 134

Adjective or Adverb Animated Powerpoint Game with 29 Slides
I�ll be using some of the excellent prints I found here to introduce and practice this language point, but couldn�t find a game for practicing adjectives versus adverbs so I made one. The questions require students to decide if sentences need an adjective or an adverb and complete. Hope it�s helpful...

Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 417

There to be Affirmative & Negative with a, some and any Powerpoint Game
Solved the problem as to why I couldn�t upload my powerpoint - I needed to update my internet explorer!! This is a powerpount game I made to practise the affirmative and negative forms of there to be, around the theme of the place where I live and nature. I hope it�s useful for some of you and your ...

Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Downloads: 713

What are they doing behind the shoji screen? Present Continuous Affirmative & Negative
It took a lot of time to make, but I�m really hoping the students will find this powerpoint fun and motivating, as well as it being a very useful resource for checking that the students really understand how to form the affirmative and negative of the present continuous. They look at the shadow/silh...

Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Downloads: 295

Simple Present Affirmative & Negative with 3 Basic Verbs: Have, Like & Want Powerpoint Game
This is one of the first powerpoints I made but at that time there were problems with the server and I couldn�t upload. As I�ve just prepared a worksheet to practice the same target language I remembered the ppt and decided to upload it, too. The matching worksheet is also uploaded. Thank you to Phi...

Level: elementary
Age: 9-11
Downloads: 45

Simple Present Questions with When Part 1
Sorry, I couldn�t get the file light enough to send it in one go, but I believe this powerpoint will help our students improve their skills in both making and answering questions in the simple present. See the notes under each slide for instructions on how to use. Part 2 at http://www.eslprintables....

Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Downloads: 156

Simple Present Questions with When Part 2
Sorry, I couldn�t get the file light enough to send it in one go, but I believe this powerpoint will help our students improve their skills in both making and answering questions in the simple present. See the notes under each slide for instructions on how to use. Part 1 at http://www.eslprintables....

Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Downloads: 158

Found 0 online exercises